Sunday, 4 January 2009


For those who know me know I'm a big Doctor Who and yesterday the BBC finally announced who would be stepping into the rather large shoes to be left by 10th Doctor, David Tennant. The actor in question was 26 year old Matt Smith who in my eyes is an unknown. I saw him in The Ruby in the Shadow over the Christmas period but his part in that didn't really leave a striking impression on me. Saying that though his part was barely big enough for me to really notice him though. We have four specials through 2009 to say bye to the best Doctor they've had before the 2010 regeneration into Matt Smith's 11th Doctor. We'll see how he does and how he looks.

So on to business, Brood Business I think. I have proposed through my Guild's website, a change in the tabard - a proposal which has basically gone down like a fart in a spacesuit it seems but as I look at it, I've grown to not like the current design. As much as, yes, the design fits the Guild and was created as a result of suggestions from those members present at the "birth" of the Guild, I've grown to not really think much of the icon and how it looks. I love what it represents but just not how it looks.

I've posted a forum entry to open the discussion about the change and even ten tabard designs for the Guildies to look through and voice their opinions on. Watch this space for updates and my thoughts.

I'll post again later on as I have some movie related chit chat to report so until then, stay classy!

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